Monday, October 23, 2023

Kudos from COO

Todd is always willing to listen to my requests for new/different/improved data and dashboards and help me out with any project I'm working on. His willingness to jump into these projects with me has made the world of difference this last year in my ability to make decisions which improve the programs. Thanks Todd!!

Friday, October 20, 2023


If your employees are not coming to you with ideas for improvements to your business, you are not inspiring them and your company is not growing.  You will fail.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Tech Sucks Sometimes

Technology was supposed to make our lives easier.  It seems like, more often than not, it just pisses me off.

And, what happened to the promise of more free time to pursue other interests.

It is all a lie.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Kudos from CAPO

Todd discovered an anomaly in [The Firm] data that was able to be corrected, saving [The Firm] funds.

Miscoding Payroll

In reviewing data inconsistences produced by a Power BI report, which had been thus far consistent, a coding problem was uncovered that identified employees paid for Differential Time and Differential Overtime that should have been Regular Time or Regular Overtime.  The problem relates to approximately 5000 hours or about $100k over 6 months.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Solution Provider Can't Handle It

Our solution provider got a little upset because we wanted to include so many IP addresses for access to the External Data Feed.

We intended to use Power Automate to SFTP and extract that external data.

We originally only provided 2, and then all of Microsoft's Power Platform IPs, which were only 20 or so.

After speaking with their CIO, they denied the request.  Too many IPs.

Silly.  Stupid. Lazy.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Stories from Vegas

Made it out to Las Vegas for the first time since I was probably 5 years old.  To be perfectly honest, it may very well be the last trip to that world.  I was not all the impressed.  If you do not gamble or drink excessively, what exactly is there for you?

A lot of conferences are held there though, which is what got us into this mess.  Hyland Software and then Microsoft.  Most of the photos are relegated to my other site, in multiple articles.

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