Sunday, July 29, 2018

Return to Pinnacle Mountain

Wandering south to Arkansas by way of Dora

While only a short weekend in the southern part of the Ozark Plateau, the road stretched out on the journey down. Heading further east than usual from Springfield, the intended destination soon appeared.

The Hodgson Water Mill offered an opportunity to get out and explore. Built in 1897, the 3 1/2-story grist mill straddles a spring near Bryant Creek. Creeping all over it, the surrounding grounds, and nearby bridge proved a good respite from the summer sun.

Well rested the following morning, Sandy Beach provided a bit of cardboard amusement. It is kind of amazing how well cardboard floats, and the designs were interesting, themed around Star Wars.

Rain loomed most of Sunday, but never happened. The trip up the second highest point in Arkansas followed the same route as before up the East Summit Trail. Crossing several boulder fields from the decaying ridge, the 1.2 km ascent is a good workout. Indeed, the popularity of it for that purpose tends make it a little crowded too.


Pinnacle Mountain State Park
Arkansas State Parks

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