Friday, December 20, 2024

Colleague Misses Me Already

A co-worker / client, also known as my birthday buddy, said the funniest thing at lunch today.  He said he would miss me the most if I left and is not quite sure what he would do if I were to go elsewhere.

This came out of the blue, and seemingly for no reason at all.  Sort of.  My boss is leaving and he will him and said as much.  He also said he would miss me more.

I was shocked and could only think to stammer, "Thank you."

It makes me a little sad that this would upset him so much, knowing that it would likely, deeply trouble this person.

At the same time, it is good to hear that at least one person cares that much.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

To Teach or Not to Teach

That is the question ...

"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them”
- William Shakespeare

I am continually confronted by my own thoughts, "I was happy teaching.   I enjoyed doing what I was doing.  I was proud of what I was doing.  I had no drama.  I was motivated to go to work every day.  I looked forward to going to work every day, even when expecting the worst day, or after the worst day.  When I was asked, "what do you do," I typically responded enthusiastically, "I am a teacher!"

Let's review where I am.

Am I happy doing what I do now?
It is a job.  There is a level of solitude and associated indifference.  I am a cog in a machine.
Do I enjoy doing what I am doing?
It passes the time and pays the bills.  It is not rewarding. I am a cog in a machine.
Am I proud of what I do?  
There is a level of personal pride in accomplishment, but no longer with my role in the organization, society, or what I am contributing to the bigger picture.  It is not something where I proudly state my role.   I am a cog in a machine.
Is there drama?  
There was not, until two new people from a former sweat shop (Cerner) joined the organization.  Now we have drama.  Now we have politics.  Now we have gaslighting.  Now we have finger-pointing.  Now we have blame.  Now we have people minimizing the efforts of others to make their own efforts look more appealing.
Am I motivated to go to work every day?  
Only because I feel personally responsible.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to wake up every day.  This is a sure sign, for me, that this is no longer a fit.
Do I look forward to going to work every day?  
Yes, in that I can complete tasks and enjoy the company of some of those that I work with.  No, in that I do not enjoy the recent drama, politics, etc.  I also do not enjoy communicating and teaching those that refuse to learn for themselves, or generating analysis that mostly only serves to find fault with others.   Expecting the worst day, I would rather sleep in.  After the worst day, I would rather sleep forever.
When asked, "what do you do," now I respond that I am simply a bean counter and nothing more.

Some of the decision comes down to money and retirement.  Teacher compensation is awful.  However, my current compensation is not a whole lot better.  It does afford a higher level of existence. Or does it?  Is it really worth trading personal happiness for a few tens of thousands of dollars?

Add to all of this, I noted this morning that they again posted a role that I had hoped to take on, which was nearly promised to me in the beginning.  It has become increasingly apparent that I am not needed or wanted in such a role.  It is the same as ever.  Stay where you are and do what you do.  That is sufficient to their needs.  It is not sufficient to my own.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Talent Card Results

Documentation for a career opportunity sent me down a path to complete an assessment that was only supposed to take about 20 minutes, and ended up taking about 45.  It really was no matter though, as it is a fantastic chance to return to the GIS world.

I usually abhor these things, as they are not particularly accurate in their evaluation or the results they produce.  This turned out to be one of the few times that something like this was on point.

Offered by Talent+

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