Saturday, November 14, 2020

A Silver Dollar Waterfall

An escape to and then from Branson.

Whisked away from all responsibility landed our party knee-deep in the masked hysteria of the timeless amusement park known as Silver Dollar City. It had been ages since last exploration of the site and quite a lot had changed, though not enough to warrant an in depth exposé of the situation.

The classics remained mostly unscathed. A glassblower remained as hard at work as ever, painstakingly creating glass treasures. Many other curiosities remained off limits to community interaction. The crowd did not seem to care much, consumed more with adventuring on the variety of thrill rides the park recently embraces over customary crafting.

One cold and overcast day was enough in the City. Before darting out of town, one last stop found called on curiosity. A quiet little hollow tucked in between a massive resort and the chaos of Shepherd of the Hills Parkway enables escape from the neon distractions.

The trail slowly drifts down to a branch on Roark Creek. It was not entirely devoid of life. A few others could be heard rustling through the leaves ahead, and the resort loomed dangerously close at times. Occasionally, laughter from a condominium deck floated down, obscuring the auditory view. The scene maintained a relatively consistent air of solitude for a few in search of a promised waterfall.

The vision appeared much sooner than anticipated. Validating proximity on the trail map, deeper penetration of the terrain led another 100 meters further along to another. Water dropped 2 metres from a ledge here, twice as high was the first. The pool seemed as though it had been manipulated by humans at one time or another. The condos intrude rudely upon the scenery at this juncture. While it seemed as if the goal had been reached, the map continued to suggest more. Another 100 meters confirmed a third set of falls, only similar in scope to the first encountered.

The map recommended continuing for another 100 meters still, but the creek dried up and refused to cooperate further. Only a field of carefully balanced cairns marked the spot likely to be quite a roaring little cascade, after a heavy downpour.

. . .

Further Reading

Silver Dollar City

Waterfall Trail
Branson Parks & Recreation

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