Saturday, December 5, 2020

Goodbye to a Good Friend

A traveling companion and good friend passed on today, after 15 years of loyal service.  One could not have asked for a better partner on the road and through life.

Born in abandoned house in the Ozarks, she anxiously made every trip back to the shores of the Lake, enjoying the no boundaries opportunity for exploration.
Her surrogate momma raised her well, teaching her to play hard, fight for what was hers, and enjoy every lazy dog day opportunity.

Later in life, she played surrogate to another pup, but never quite understood what to do with the noisy and hyper little monster.

A faithful protector always and to the very end, her vigilant protection of home and land enabled a sense of safety and well-being for all.

This very best friend ever will be missed this Christmas.

2005 - 2020

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tribute, and such expressive eyes in the first picture.


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