Wednesday, September 11, 2024

White Men and their Positionality

Since this comment will likely be deleted from the blog, I will store it here, as an open note to the illustrious, though misguided Doctor.  Apparently, a desire to be included caused her to follow the easy path laid out for her by extremists of the day.

I am  disappointed in your choosing to begin this discussion with an attempt to degrade a cross-section of people, and minimize their contributions, seemingly for no other reason than to align yourself with the latest fashionable opinion.

It is NOT "important to acknowledge their positionality as white men," and there is no justification for this remark.  These men had no choice about their station in life, though took full advantage of it, as anyone else would.

The statement and following text framed your entire argument as a racial rather than an intellectual argument, and contributes to perpetuating stereotypes and discrimination.

That is the popular path of these times though, with everyone scrambling to prove themselves non-discriminatory through discriminatory actions and words.

There has got to be a better way.

You cannot make learning equitable for all students by minimizing the contributions of others, regardless of their race and historical context, whether you agree with it or not.

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