Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Suggested a HIPAA Violation

She actually suggested that I introduce a HIPAA violation into the Demographics dashboard.  It was apparently impossible to understand why it did not display individual names alongside their demographic information.  Seemed kid of obvious to me.

Praise from ARY

Todd helped our group pull data to create a weekly billing report, that will allow the TC to complete the review in a more timely manner. You're the Best, Todd! Thank you!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tech is Crack for Kids

This is completely on point. The biggest obstacle is #5, which most these days are completely incapable of, causing all other points to become impossible to manage. You see it in every restaurant every day. Remember when we used to go out for a meal and actually have conversation, even with the kids? I still do that. I have heard every excuse others do not. It is no wonder some parents have the problems they do. It is always the same excuse topping the list too ... Johnny behaves so much better with his screen. Well, of course he does. You just gave him the platinum pacifier with a morphine drip so you could ignore him for your own! Tech is Crack for Kids. Just say NO! They will not be left behind. They will catch up faster than you ever imagined and make those that have been using it all along look ridiculous. </rant>

I posted this response on LinkedIn only a little while ago.  I am still uncertain why I continue to bother with social media at all. It is the last vestige of my social media existence.

Eventually, I want to write a bit deeper on this topic, so this is a good reminder for me here.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Out of Network Surprise

Last night, I received information from my insurance company that they had not paid quite as much as I assumed they would for some tests related to recent services.  The charges were identified as "Out of Network."

I was a little furious about that, thinking various indignant thoughts.  What right does a doctor have to incur charges on your behalf, without your permission?  None, in my opinion.  How am I supposed to know they are sending tests out that will not be covered by my insurance?  How is anyone supposed to adjust for that? There will be war if they try to bully payment out of me.

Now I am convinced they can go flog themselves if they think they are getting paid for these services.

I am also drafting a form for medical providers to sign, since they want me to sign so many.  The form will confirm their understanding that I will not be responsible for Out of Network charges.  I suspect there will be pushback.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Eat your Wheaties

Harvested first attempt at growing Winter Wheat, which turned out rather nicely.  We may have to repeat this again next year.  It provided the deer snacks over the winter, and they did not completely obliterate the crop this spring.  The rabbits are a whole other story.  They were quickly decimating things as the crop ripened.  Next up, a little personal processing and getting the pumpkins planted in their place.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Confirmed Bully

It has been confirmed.  We have a workplace bully.  She started about a year ago.  Until now, I thought I was the only person that was seeing this behavior and have noted a few instances of her nonsense here, along with that of her minion.  

A coworker said to me today, "It seems as though her only goal is to put people down, find fault, bait and trap people."  She went on to talk about how she had just left another experience like that and was not particularly interested in dealing with it again.  I suggested she start documenting and talk to the individual she reports to if it continues as I and others had experienced much of the same.

It really disappointing to see this person bring that sort of attitude to this world.  That person really does not bring anything positive to our work culture.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Music Hall in KC

A placard in the Music Hall tells a brief tale of destruction and rebirth in Kansas City at the turn of the century.  It reads as follows:

"Convention Hall at the northeast corner of Thirteenth and Central streets was dedicated February 22, 1899.  The hall burned to the ground on April 4, 1900.  A new fireproof building was constructed in ninety days and opened by the Democratic National Convention on July 4, 1900.

For 35 years, it was the center of the community activities and in it appeared the famous statesmen, soldiers, preachers, scientists, teachers, musicians, actors and athletes of the world.  There were held the city's first horse show, automobile and radio shows, and great displays of the products of industry and agriculture.

Erected by popular subscription and dedicated to the use and benefit of the people, it was acquired in its entirety by the municipality on June 27, 1935, and merged into this great auditorium, so that the purposes of its founders might be carried out and their ideals perpetuated in the hearts and lives of our citizens."

Thinking about how quickly this structure was completed, coupled with the elegance of the architecture, it is a little hard to understand why nothing in the current era can compete on either level.  There again, maybe it is not so hard to understand in this throw-away world we live in.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Firefly Attack Dog

On the hunt for the elusive firefly.  They shine only briefly, and if you are vigilant and a little hungry, they will only shine once.

Sewer Neighbors

The neighbor is doing his part to ensure the environment is properly contaminated in the neighborhood.  Sewer hose is stretched and dumping waste directly on the ground.

Yesterday afternoon I noticed there was water standing at the side of the road next to the field.  It had not rained and was curious, but initially dismissed it.  After doing some planting, I noticed this sewer hose running out of the back of the camper next door.  The ground appeared damp around the end of it and all suddenly became clear.

Thinking I would contact the city in the morning today, the day became clouded with other events, and I did not get back to it.

This evening, the same hose lay there, and a faint smell of raw sewage permeated the air.  There is no doubt about what is going on here.

When we experienced that severe cold spell earlier in the year, pipes apparently burst in that house.  Water was streaming on the street creating a nice thick patch.  About a week later, this camper showed up.  A month later, it became quietly inhabited.  I would say this isn't the first time that tank has been emptied on the ground either.

It will be interesting to hear Gladstone's response.  Usually, even in situations such as this, they ask "Can it be seen from the street?"  

Yes.  Yes, it can, though I am not quite sure what that has to do with anything.

More as it happens in the comments.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Houston, we have a Leak

Under the house is awful, but you have to check on things every so often.  We had the A/C tune-up and I was under there peaking around and found a drip.  We don't need this one getting as bad as the last, which was not awful, but was one drip per 15 seconds.  This one is one drip about every 30 minutes.  Might be condensation.  Who knows.  The plumber will, for a price.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Another Birthday to the Land of Oz

The youngest of the 3 girls enjoyed a little adventure to the Land of Oz all her own.  She really opened up on this trip too, taking it all in and babbling about everything.  It was fun for her, and for us.

It was a good trip, all together.  She is still really young to have too much of an impression of the movie or the characters.  Though she is a little hesitant to say so, her favorite appears to be the Lion.  She will tell you she likes the very same as her sister, but she is definitely infatuated with the coward.

Her favorite part of the entire trip was likely the playground she found at the end of the yellow brick road.  When we suggested that she was being missed and we should begin to head home, she told us that did not fit with her schedule.  That has never happened.

We still have another trip to make out here.  Her older sister went when she was 3 and cannot remember having gone, so wants to go again for her birthday.

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