Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sewer Neighbors

The neighbor is doing his part to ensure the environment is properly contaminated in the neighborhood.  Sewer hose is stretched and dumping waste directly on the ground.

Yesterday afternoon I noticed there was water standing at the side of the road next to the field.  It had not rained and was curious, but initially dismissed it.  After doing some planting, I noticed this sewer hose running out of the back of the camper next door.  The ground appeared damp around the end of it and all suddenly became clear.

Thinking I would contact the city in the morning today, the day became clouded with other events, and I did not get back to it.

This evening, the same hose lay there, and a faint smell of raw sewage permeated the air.  There is no doubt about what is going on here.

When we experienced that severe cold spell earlier in the year, pipes apparently burst in that house.  Water was streaming on the street creating a nice thick patch.  About a week later, this camper showed up.  A month later, it became quietly inhabited.  I would say this isn't the first time that tank has been emptied on the ground either.

It will be interesting to hear Gladstone's response.  Usually, even in situations such as this, they ask "Can it be seen from the street?"  

Yes.  Yes, it can, though I am not quite sure what that has to do with anything.

More as it happens in the comments.

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