Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tech is Crack for Kids

This is completely on point. The biggest obstacle is #5, which most these days are completely incapable of, causing all other points to become impossible to manage. You see it in every restaurant every day. Remember when we used to go out for a meal and actually have conversation, even with the kids? I still do that. I have heard every excuse others do not. It is no wonder some parents have the problems they do. It is always the same excuse topping the list too ... Johnny behaves so much better with his screen. Well, of course he does. You just gave him the platinum pacifier with a morphine drip so you could ignore him for your own! Tech is Crack for Kids. Just say NO! They will not be left behind. They will catch up faster than you ever imagined and make those that have been using it all along look ridiculous. </rant>

I posted this response on LinkedIn only a little while ago.  I am still uncertain why I continue to bother with social media at all. It is the last vestige of my social media existence.

Eventually, I want to write a bit deeper on this topic, so this is a good reminder for me here.

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